Before and during the cricket season, there are several important dietary considerations for teenage cricketers to manage. These include:
• optimising growth and development
• including adequate carbohydrate, protein and healthy fats in your daily diet
• organising quick, healthy low fat meals and snacks to maintain energy levels
• minimise snacking on less healthy foods during periods of reduced activity
• maintain a healthy body weight appropriate to your size
• ensuring sufficient fluid intake to maintain adequate hydration
Watch this video to know more on supplements in Crciket
We are answering all in a CUSTOMISED NUTRITION PLAN at QUA NUTRITION for Harbhajan. Eating is a science when it comes to Sports Performance and the game of cricket is changing into a Hungry one!! Just EAT IT! is what I say! Ryan Fernando NUTRITION COACH to Harbhajan Singh
To enrol in a Cricket DIET PLAN for your kid call Pan India. Internationall +91 9743430000
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